Mar 4, 2016 by


Bid farewell to winter and welcome spring by observing the vernal equinox amongst the ancient effigy mounds at Frank’s Hill near Muscoda. On Sunday, March 20th spring. Persons wishing to attend should gather at Frank’s Hill by 6:30 p.m. The site will be open to the public on Saturday  and Sunday for self-guided tours of the mounds and for anyone who wishes to view the sunrise.

In addition, a special ceremony will be conducted on Sunday afternoon at 3:00. A medicine man from Peru, Adolfo Ttito Condori, will conduct a traditional despacho ceremony. Through an interpreter, he will explain the tradition and purpose of the sacred offering known as Despacho. Condori also will share his impression of the mounds at Frank’s Hill. Participants should arrive by 2:45 p.m. for the despacho ceremony and should bring chairs or blankets for seating as well as  snacks or beverages. Dress warmly and consider bringing a gift of flowers, such as carnations, for the ceremony.

The events are subject to suitable weather conditions. A short hike will be required to the top of the hill that offers a stunning view of the lower Wisconsin River valley. The site is located 2 miles west of Muscoda near the intersection of Hwy. 60 and Hwy. 193.

Frank’s Hill is on the National Register of Historic Places. A group of unique effigy mounds is situated on the East Ridge where the event will occur, which looks across to the west ridge where a line of small mounds, thought to be calendar mounds, is situated. The site offers a panoramic vista of the area which once contained the highest concentration of bird effigy mounds found anywhere in the world, including the remnants of the giant Ghost Eagle mound with a wingspan of over 1⁄4 mile. The mounds are thought to have been built a thousand or more years ago.

To learn more about the equinox events or for directions, contact Dave Martin at (608) 739-4198., people will gather to observe the first official sunset of

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Feb 16, 2016 by





Sunday, March 20, 2016. 3-5PM


You are invited to join us for a DESPACHO & FIRE CEREMONY with Adolfo Ttito Condori, visiting medicine man from Peru. Come join us at Frank’s Hill for a traditional despacho ceremony with Altomisayoq, Adolfo Ttito Condori. Adolfo will give a brief teaching in Spanish with English translation about the tradition and purpose of the sacred offering known as a Despacho. He will also share his impression about the mounds. Participants will be able to offer prayers in the form of k’intus to the beautiful mandala of an Ayni despacho (An offering for Balance and Harmony). Upon completion, the despacho will be burned as an offering to the spirits. After the fire ceremony is complete, you are welcome to stay and learn more about the mounds and watch the sunset. The mounds are positioned in alignment with the rising & setting sun on the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. Sunset will be approximately at 6:36pm. Participants should arrive by 2:45 p.m. to allow for time to hike to the top of the hill. It can be very windy here so please Dress warmly. You may wish to bring snacks and a beverage and what you need for your comfort for sitting on the ground. If possible bring a few flowers as a donation (carnations work best) and/or a donation of Love. Directions to Frank’s Hill are as follows; from the north end of the Muscoda bridge at the intersection of STH 80 & 60, drive west on Hwy. 60 for two miles and turn north on STH 193. Park by the first gate on the east side of the road, a short distance from Hwy. 60, and walk to the top of the hill.


For more information please contact:
Ana Larramendi (contact up till 3-11): 608-255-4333, [email protected]
Debra Schwarze: 608-604-5381, [email protected]

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Dec 4, 2015 by


The public is invited to Frank’s Hill in southern Richland County on Sunday, December 20th, when the setting sun on the shortest of day of the year will be viewed from a small knoll peppered with effigy mounds in southern Richland County. The property is located on STH 193 just off STH 60 a few miles west of Muscoda and has been the site of many solstice and equinox gatherings in the past. Area residents are invited to join the festivities and remember events of the past year. A moment of silence will be observed for those who have passed away since the last trip around the sun. Following the sunset, attendees are welcome to gather around the campfire to share stories and learn more Frank’s Hill. The event is sponsored by the Three Eagles Foundation.

Frank’s Hill is on the National Register of Historic Places. A group of unique effigy mounds is situated on the east ridge where the event will occur, which looks across to the west ridge where a line of small mounds, believed to be calendar mounds, is situated. The site offers a panoramic vista of the area which once contained the highest concentration of bird effigy mounds found anywhere in the world, including the remnants of the giant Ghost Eagle mound with a wingspan of over ¼ mile. The mounds were built a thousand or more years ago.

Participants should arrive by 4:00 p.m. to allow for time to hike to the top of the hill. Dress warmly and bring food, drink and a chair for sitting around the fire. Directions to Frank’s Hill are as follows; from the north end of the Muscoda bridge at the intersection of STH 80 & 60, drive west on Hwy. 60 for two miles and turn north on STH 193. Park by the first gate on the east side of the road, a short distance from Hwy. 60, and walk to the top of the hill. To learn more about the solstice event or for directions, contact Dave Martin at (608) 739-4198.

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The Cultural Landscape Legacies Annual Tour – Saturday, October 17th

Sep 24, 2015 by

The Cultural Landscape Legacies Annual Tour –  Saturday, October 17th

The Cultural Landscape Legacies annual tour will be held on Saturday, October 17th.  The focus of this year’s event will be the Hopewellian mounds near Galena.  CLL Vice-President Don Greenwood has arranged an interesting tour for those able to attend.  Please RSVP by responding to this e-mail message or call (608) 739-3188.  Carpooling is available from Muscoda or you may meet the group at our first stop in Galena.  The itinerary is listed below.

October 17, 2015

  • 8:45 a.m. Meet at LWSRB Office in Muscoda for tour briefing and carpooling (202 N. Wisconsin Ave.)
  • 9:00 a.m.  Depart Muscoda for Galena, Illinois
  • 10:30 a.m.  Meet Ryan Getz, Director of Land Stewardship, Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation at Portage Mound site, 1221 Ferry Landing Road,  Galena, IL.
  • 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Galena area Mound Tours
  •  12:30 p.m. Lunch break in Galena at Culver’s
  •  1:30 p.m. Depart Galena for Gramercy Park Hopewell Mounds, East Dubuque, Illinois
  •  1:30 – 2:15  p.m. Self guided tours of Gramercy Park Mounds
  • 2:15 p.m. Depart for return trip to Muscoda if carpooling. Those driving themselves can go directly home..
  • 3:30 p.m. Muscoda. Tour ends.


Anyone wishing to visit Frank’s Hill or other area mounds when we return to Muscoda is welcome to do so.  Ask for directions if needed.  -Mark Cupp

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Traditional Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony at Franks Hill Sep 27 @ 3PM

Sep 21, 2015 by

Traditional Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony at Franks Hill Sep 27 @ 3PM

“Traditional Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony”Frank’s Hill Animal Effigy Mounds near Muscoda, WI 53573
With Nan Shuni Giron
Sunday September 27 / 13 Tzi/@ 3:00 pm

Come join us in Mayan Sacred time, as we come together to ask for peace, harmony and unity around word.
This month September is a unique time event, as the super moon and lunar eclipse make an appearance in the skies, it raises the vibration of the entire planet. This intense energy can magnify our intentions, emotions, desires, visions, and grant us with sudden moments of pure awakening.
It is a special time to be grateful and light the Sacred Fire with our heart prayers and offerings.
It is a perfect time to connect with the energy of the land, the sun, and the moon.
It is a good time to come together to honor life and honor our ancestors.
Let’s bring reflections and joy to the Mayan sacred fire.
Come join our circle of friends, at this special sacred Animal Effigy Mounds location!
Everyone is welcome to join us in this special time!
Free and open for love offerings
Maltiox and we see you there!
Please bring a chair, blankets, your drum or rattle.
You may also bring special offerings to the sacred fire, such as flowers, candles, sacred tobacco, incenses, seeds, herbs, letters, stones, etc.

For additional Mayan Sacred tree of life birth readings please
Contact [email protected] or (224)205-0441
For directions call at (608) 604-5381 or ( 608)-647-5434

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Fall Equinox – September 20th, 2015 – Save the date!

Sep 15, 2015 by

Fall Equinox – September 20th, 2015 – Save the date!


Frank’s Hill, an effigy mound site in southern Richland County, will be open to the public on Sunday, September 20th, for observance of the autumnal equinox. The public is invited to gather at Frank’s Hill near Muscoda to view the sunrise or sunset or to visit the site during the day to see the mounds and the grand vista. The event is subject to suitable weather conditions. A short hike will be required to the top of the hill that offers a stunning view of the lower Wisconsin River valley. Participants should arrive by 6:30 p.m. to view the sunset. Frank’s Hill is located 2 miles west of Muscoda near the intersection of Hwy. 60 and Hwy. 193.

David Martin, President of the Three Eagles Foundation, said, “Our departed friend, Frank Shadewald, thoroughlyenjoyed sharing the hill and the mounds with others and used the equinox and solstice events as reasons to invite the public to the site. He clearly would have wanted these observances to continue so, to honor Frank’s memory, we will hold a fall equinox event again this year. Whether you are interested in the stunning colors of the sunset, the spectacular view, the intriguing archeology or the serenity of the site, all are welcome to attend.”

Frank’s Hill is on the National Register of Historic Places. A group of unique effigy mounds is situated on the east ridge where the event will occur. Across Hwy. 193 lies the west ridge where a line of small conical mounds, thought to be calendar mounds, is situated. The site offers a panoramic vista of the area which once contained the highest concentration of bird effigy mounds found anywhere in the world. The mounds are thought to have been built during the Late Woodland period dating back to one thousand or more years ago.

To learn more about the equinox event or for directions, contact Dave Martin at (608) 739-4198.

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